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Sporting Brain Box


Sporting Brain Box


Seller:  Art Of Your Success

The “Sporting Brain Box” is  a brilliant gift for anyone who has recently signed up for a sporting challenge and can be a helpful way to start to understand your own sporting mindset.

Product details

Many of us have realised that to do well in sport we don’t just need fitness and skills. We need the right mindset. We need to be able to keep on top of our anxiety in the build up to competition and develop emotional control for when something goes wrong when in the event. We need confidence, a positive mindset and to see any event as an exciting challenge, rather than a daunting threat. We need to upskill our brains.

It is a completely new concept incorporating 13 sport psychology techniques and activities in one box (scroll down for details). Every activity included has been chosen by Chartered Sport Psychologist Dr Josephine Perry as it is one of the effective mindset techniques she uses on a daily basis working with both amateur and elite athletes. Sarah Dudgeon has bought her athletic and artistic skills to the box to make the techniques easy to use and fun to work with.


The 13 elements of the box are:

1. The training journal – A day to day activity where as well as logging your physical training, you also track your thoughts, feelings, joys and worries about your sport.

2. Control mapping postcard – To help you focus on what is important.

3. What if planning postcard – To get your pre competition worries out of your head and instead doing something proactive.

4. Confidence booster postcard – To remind yourself of everything you have done in your training.

5. Pre-performance routine postcard – To boost your feelings of control and focus on what is relevant in competition build up.

6. Skills sheet postcard – To give us confidence we are competent in our sport.

7. Competition playlist postcard – Setting up your playlist to get amped up for performance.

8. Goal setting sheet – To achieve your potential you need to head off in the right direction, undertaking the right training. This sheet helps you do this.

9. Knowing your chimp sheet & chimp – Professor Steve Peters made chimps famous when he likened part of our brain (our amygdala) to one. This little dude and the accompanying chimp sheet helps you get to know, understand and sooth yours.

10. Mantra wristbands – Shape your positive self talk and practice with our wrist bands until you have your ideal mantra nailed.

11. Weekly planner pad – This will help you stay on top of your goals and training.

12. Stars in the dark – This helps you run a strengths audit and benefit from your uniqueness when you complete.

13. Bravery box – A visual reminder of the efforts we have put into our training and preparation.


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